[CQ-Contest] what zone to log for CQWW

DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL kr2q at optimum.net
Wed Nov 29 13:06:07 EST 2017

Dear contesters,

The CQWWCC is well aware that some guys send what actually is, or sounds 
like, differing zone exchanges during the contest.

This is normally something that we track and is not unique to this year.

What we would like to make clear is that the contest is over and you 
cannot (must not) alter whatever is in your log at this time.

Please reference our Rules, noting Main section IX and especially item 
nine (9):

9.  Correction of logged call signs and exchanges after the contest, by 
use of any database, recordings, email or other methods, is not allowed.

When there is instability in the zone sent, we make adjustments to 
accommodate for that.
Recall that we have globally located SDRs and, if in doubt or to verify 
instability in what was sent, we just "take a listen."

In closing, please do not alter what you already have logged.
de Doug KR2Q
on behalf of the CQWW Contest Committee

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