[CQ-Contest] SS Check

ac0w at charter.net ac0w at charter.net
Fri Oct 20 17:58:11 EDT 2017

Some interesting discussion. I'll just add the rules imply the first
year licensed as an amateur radio operator but do not state that. As
an operator I have many licenses such as driver's license, engineering
license, electrician license, etc. I certainly can use one of those as
69 is really difficult to get through a pile up. Now if I can remember
that long ago to when I got my driver's license.
4.4.1. The last 2 digits of the year of first license for either the
operator or the station


 Message: 4
 Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2017 12:05:46 -0400
 From: Ron Notarius W3WN 
 To: cq-contest at contesting.com
 Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] "It's just to save on typing"
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

 The rules are vague on the SS check? Really?

 When operating as an individual, it should be the year YOU were first
licensed. Even if you are "borrowing" someone's shack.

 If it is a multi-single effort, it should be the year that the HOST
was first licensed. In the case of a club station, that would be the
year that the CLUB was first licensed.

 Nothing vague about that.

 OK, so the rules may not have been written with iron-clad legal-type
precision years ago. We could always hire attorneys to scrutinize the
rules to make them so precise that their ought to be no ambiguity...
of course there always will be, in the minds of some, but that's
beside the point... but then, who would read 150 pages of rules in
legalese? Plain English ought to be more than adequate.

 IMHO there is no ambiguity. The intent of the rules is clear.

 73, ron W3WN

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