[CQ-Contest] 4U1WB disqualified in the 2017 CQ World-Wide WPX SSB Contest
W0MU Mike Fatchett
w0mu at w0mu.com
Fri Oct 27 14:48:30 EDT 2017
Where did you operate from? If you operated from outside the confines
of the World Bank then I think you are in trouble with a number of entities.
On 10/27/2017 7:21 AM, Masa Miura, AJ3M wrote:
> All,
> Terry, N4TZ, has not even acknowledged receipt of my October 24 email.
> If you feel that the 4U1WB entry is valid and should be accepted and would
> like to comment on this absurd, ridiculous, and insane DQ as a fellow
> contester, please email/call Terry and Rich of CQ Magazine. Their email
> addresses are as follows:
> n4tz at cqwpx.com
> w2vu at cq-amateur-radio.com
> 73,
> Masa, AJ3M
> On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 3:53 AM, Alexander Teimurazov <
> at at at-communication.com> wrote:
>> Dear Masa san!
>> Probably its time to recognize 4U1WB as separate entity for CQ Contests
>> (its better to recognize it for DXCC but ARRL is not involved in CQ
>> Contests :-)).
>> According to current decision of director of CQ WPX Contest if CQ is not
>> recognize you as US thats mean you can apply for separate country for all
>> CQ Contests :-)
>> 73 Al 4L5A
>> https://dxnews.com
>> https://dxnews.com/forum/
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
>> Masa Miura, AJ3M
>> Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2017 11:50 PM
>> To: CQ-Contest at contesting.com
>> Cc: Terry Zivney; Richard Moseson
>> Subject: [CQ-Contest] 4U1WB disqualified in the 2017 CQ World-Wide WPX SSB
>> Contest
>> Greetings All:
>> The CQ WPX Contest Committee decided to disqualify 4U1WB in the 2017 CQ
>> World-Wide WPX SSB Contest. The final results were published in the
>> September 2017 issue of CQ Magazine and a list of disqualified entries,
>> including 4U1WB, is on page 109. See the following website:
>> http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/cq_contests/cq_ww_wpx_
>> contest/cq_ww_wpx_ssb_contest/2017_cq_ww_wpx_ssb_contest/
>> 2017_cq_ww_wpx_ssb_line_scores.pdf
>> I sent the email below on October 24, 2017 to Terry, N4TZ (n4tz at
>> cqwpx.com),
>> CQ WPX Contest Director, regarding the Committee’s decision. Terry has not
>> yet replied to me. I also copied Rich, W2VU (w2vu at cq-amateur-radio.com)
>> of CQ Magazine, the Contest sponsor.
>> As you will note below, I sent my first email to Terry about the
>> disqualification on October 22. He indicated in his email dated October 23
>> to me that 4U1WB was disqualified because the call sign was not issued by
>> the FCC while the log that I submitted showed the United States as the
>> country of 4U1WB's operation. 4U1WB is a United Nations call sign and the
>> station is located in Washington, DC, the capital of the United States.
>> I do not know if Terry or the Contest Committee contacted me by email
>> before the disqualification was published. The October 23 email from Terry
>> did not refer to any prior notification. Please see the following from the
>> WPX Contest rules:
>> D. Disciplinary Actions: In the event of a violation, the entrant is
>> subject to disqualification at the discretion of the Committee.
>> 1. DISQUALIFICATION: Entry will be listed at the end of the published
>> results and is not eligible for an award.
>> 2. Notification of Committee actions will be sent by email to the address
>> provided with the log submission. The entrant has five days to appeal the
>> decision to the Contest Director. After that time the decision is final.
>> I looked for such an email in my inbox and spam folder after I found out in
>> the CQ Magazine that 4U1WB was disqualified. I did not find any prior
>> correspondence from them. I cannot say for sure that I was not contacted by
>> email. I believe that some emails are getting lost in cyberspace. It might
>> have been in my spam folder and was deleted for some reason. However, I
>> would like to highlight that the Contest Director relied on unreceipted
>> email(s) and made such an important decision that could have extremely
>> serious negative impact on a fellow contester's reputation in the contest
>> community.
>> I have participated in the WPX Contests many times from the 4U1WB club
>> station mainly because I enjoy contesting and being part of the worldwide
>> contest community. I will probably never win a major contest from the 4U1WB
>> station. Another reason is that the WPX Contest rules include the
>> following: Special event, commemorative, and other unique prefix stations
>> are encouraged to participate.
>> If the Contest Director maintains his position and intends to disqualify
>> 4U1WB again in the future because of the same reason that he cited, it
>> means that 4U1WB is not welcome to participate in the WPX Contests. 4U1WB
>> will not participate in the future unless a positive outcome is achieved.
>> I will keep you all posted.
>> 73,
>> Masa
>> --
>> Masa Miura, AJ3M
>> masa.miura.aj3m at gmail.com
>> aj3m at arrl.net
>> masahiro.miura.tu94 at dartmouth.edu
>> https://www.facebook.com/masahiro.miura.tu94
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Masa Miura, AJ3M <masa.miura.aj3m at gmail.com>
>> Date: Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 6:08 PM
>> Subject: Fwd: 4U1WB disqualification in the 2017 CQ World-Wide WPX SSB
>> Contest: No more 4U1WB in the WPX Contests in the future?
>> To: k5zd at contesting.com, sbolia at woh.rr.com, k6aw at arrl.net
>> Cc: Terry Zivney <n4tz at cqwpx.com>, w2vu at cq-amateur-radio.com
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Masa Miura, AJ3M <masa.miura.aj3m at gmail.com>
>> Date: Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 5:59 PM
>> Subject: 4U1WB disqualification in the 2017 CQ World-Wide WPX SSB Contest:
>> No more 4U1WB in the WPX Contests in the future?
>> To: Terry Zivney <n4tz at cqwpx.com>
>> Cc: w0yk at cqwpxrtty.com, f6bee at cqwpx.com, k1ea at cqwpx.com, jh4rhf
>> at
>> arrl.net,
>> k1dg at cqwpx.com, k5zd at cqwpx.com, n8bjq at cqwpx.com, k6aw at
>> cqwpx.com,
>> w2vu at cq-amateur-radio.com
>> Dear Terry:
>> Thank you very much for your email below dated October 23, 2017 in response
>> to my email dated October 22, 2017 regarding the CQ WPX Contest Committee’s
>> decision to disqualify 4U1WB in the 2017 CQ World-Wide WPX SSB Contest. The
>> September issue of CQ Magazine included the results for the Contest and a
>> list of disqualified entries, including 4U1WB. I participated in the
>> Contest from the World Bank Group Staff Amateur Radio Club’s station in
>> Washington, DC. I am the President of the Club and we use 4U1WB issued by
>> the United Nations because of the World Bank’s status as a multinational
>> development institution.
>> Please note that the Club is not part of or an agent or affiliate of the
>> World Bank. It is an association of staff members of the World Bank Group.
>> The World Bank Group assumes no liability or responsibility for the
>> activities of the Club.
>> The purpose of this email is to request that you, the CQ WPX Contest
>> Director, (i) reconsider the final decision with respect to 4U1WB’s
>> disqualification; and (ii) inform the contest community that the decision
>> was completely wrong. I strongly believe that 4U1WB was disqualified for no
>> valid reason.
>> You indicated in your email that 4U1WB was disqualified because it was not
>> licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the licensing
>> authority of the United States, while the log that I submitted showed the
>> US as 4U1WB’s country of operation. More specifically, you stated that
>> 4U1WB violated Rule V. (Scoring) C2 that I reproduce below:
>> 2. Special event, commemorative, and other unique prefix stations are
>> encouraged to participate. Prefixes must be assigned by the licensing
>> authority of the country of operation.
>> As stated in the attached, 4U1WB has been properly licensed by the United
>> Nations and our Club is allowed to use the call sign from our station in
>> Washington, DC. The call sign was granted in August 1989 under the
>> authority granted the United Nations by the International
>> Telecommunications Union and in coordination with the United States
>> Administration. In July 1989, the State Department’s Bureau of
>> International Communications and Information Policy stated in a letter to
>> the UN’s Chief of Telecommunication Service that authorities at the Federal
>> Communication Commission, the National Telecommunications and Information
>> Administration, and the Department of State were consulted about the
>> issuance of the 4U1WB call sign. According to the same letter, the US
>> Administration had no objection to the issuance of this call sign by the
>> United Nations.
>> I am sure that you, as a fellow contester, know that considering an entrant
>> for a disqualification means that the contest committee is challenging the
>> operator’s integrity and sportsmanship. I fully understand that the CQ WPX
>> Contest Committee’s intention is to protect the integrity of the
>> competition and address any violations of the trust that underlies
>> radiosport competition. My reputation in the worldwide contest community is
>> very important to me. Our Club’s reputation is equally important. The
>> damage was done.
>> While you might not have seen my own call sign AJ3M in many contest
>> results, I have participated in major contests, including those sponsored
>> by CQ Magazine, as a member of multi teams, such as KM4M (at K4JA), KD4D
>> (at N3HBX), B1Z, KE3X (at N3HBX), HG5C, K4VV, and E22AAA. I have been a
>> member of the Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC) since 1997.
>> I contacted you on the 22nd, because the published results did not explain
>> why 4U1WB was disqualified. In fact, quite a few fellow amateurs have
>> already contacted me to ask me why the CQ WPX Contest Committee
>> disqualified 4U1WB. I promised to them that I will post a message
>> explaining this incident to the CQ Contest Reflector later this week.
>> While I have participated in many major contests, including those sponsored
>> by CQ Magazine, from 4U1WB, 4U1WB has never been disqualified.
>> Please note that 4U1WB has a 25-year history of vigorous participation in
>> the CQ WPX Contests and no previous Contest Director has ever raised any
>> issue with the validity of the entry, as can be seen at
>> http://www.cqwpx.com/searchbycall.htm?cl=4u1wb&submit=Go
>> In particular, I would like to highlight that the CQ World-Wide WPX RTTY
>> Contest results for 2017 included 4U1WB’s score as a valid one while the
>> rule that you cited is also included in the CQ WW WPX RTTY Contest
>> rules.
>> http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/cq_contests/cq_ww_rtty_wpx_
>> contest/2017_cq_ww_rtty_wpx_contest/2017_07_cq_wpx_rtty_scores.pdf
>> In addition, I am not aware of any disqualifications of 4U stations
>> properly licensed by the United Nations, such as 4U1VIC at the Vienna
>> International Centre in Vienna, Austria, in the long history of such
>> operations from diverse locations in various contests, including the WPX
>> Contests.
>> I will share this correspondence on the PVRC reflector because the 4U1WB
>> disqualification adversely affected the aggregate score of the PVRC in the
>> club competition. As I mentioned earlier, I will also post a message about
>> this disqualification to the CQ Contest Reflector later this week.
>> Please note that the members of the CQ WPX Contest Committee and the CQ WPX
>> RTTY Contest Director, Ed Muns, W0YK, are copied on this email. In
>> addition,
>> Jun Tanaka, JH4RHF, of 4U1VIC, and Rich Moseson, W2VU, of CQ Magazine, are
>> copied.
>> Regards,
>> Masa Miura, AJ3M
>> President, World Bank Group Staff Amateur Radio Club
>> On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 10:32 AM, Terry Zivney <n4tz at cqwpx.com> wrote:
>>> 4U1WB violated rule 5C2:
>>> *2.* Special event, commemorative, and other unique prefix stations are
>>> encouraged to participate. Prefixes must be assigned by the licensing
>>> authority of the country of operation.
>>> 4U1 is not assigned by the FCC, the licensing authority of the USA, which
>>> is
>>> what the log of 4U1WB showed as the country of operation.
>>> 73
>>> Terry N4TZ, CQ WPX Contest Director
>>> On Sunday, October 22, 2017 7:30 PM, Masahiro Miura <
>>> masa.miura.aj3m at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Terry,
>>> I am forwarding the email below to you. Look forward to hearing from you.
>>> 73,
>>> Masa
>>> AJ3M
>>> *差出人:* Masahiro Miura <masa.miura.aj3m at gmail.com>
>>> *日時:* 2017年10月22日 19:27:14 GMT-4
>>> *宛先:* questions at cqwpx.com
>>> *件名:* *2017 WPX SSB 4u1wb*
>>> I participated in the WPX SSB Contest this year from 4U1WB. I just found
>>> out that 4U1WB was disqualified.
>>> Can you please explain why?
>>> Thanks.
>>> 73,
>>> Masa
>>> AJ3M
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