[CQ-Contest] Is 4UITU and other calls with 4U1 prefix illegal? (Hank Greeb)

Eric Rosenberg ericrosenberg.dc at gmail.com
Sat Oct 28 12:58:53 EDT 2017

4U1UN Is licensed to the UN Headquarters in New York. 
4U1ITU is licensed to the ITU Headquarters in Geneva.  

4U1VIC is licensed to the UN  Vienna International Centre in Vienna. They've
also been on the air as 4U10NPT, 4U30VIC, 4U1WED, and 4U50VIC.  DX country
is Austria 

There have been many other 4U_ callsigns approved/authorized by the ITU.
They are generally in conjunction with ITU-R events located in Geneva. Along
with many others on this email reflector, I too, have operated from 4U1ITU
in Geneva. In my case, the callsigns used included 4U1WRC, which has been
activated for every WRC, and counts as the ITU HQ.  

Eric W3DQ


As per the March 2016 ARRL DX list

March 2016 Edition  
Current Entities Total: 339 (Entry level Honor Roll is 330 current entities)

Note:  * Indicates current list of entities for which QSLs may be forwarded
by the ARRL membership Outgoing QSL Service.   # Indicates entities with
which US Amateurs may legally handle third-party message 

Prefix		Entity				Cont  ITU   	CQ
Entity Code 
4U_ITU#* 	ITU HQ			EU    28 	14 	117 
4U_UN* 	United Nations HQ        NA    08 	05 	289     
4U_ITU#* 	ITU HQ  			EU    28 	14 	117 


W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu at w0mu.com> wrote: 

I could be wrong but I thought 4U1WB could only operate at the world bank
location and 4U1UN from the UN Building in NY.? I do not know if 4u1ITU is
locked in to a specific location in EU.

Thank you for reconsidering and reinstating the log and fixing the broken


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