[CQ-Contest] Is this assistance?

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Sat Oct 28 20:03:40 EDT 2017

That probably depends on who you ask or falls into the if you have to 
ask it probably is category.

Getting CW spots would alert you to band openings so I would say that 
yes it could be considered assistance.

The contest effort is probably not all that serious if you are more 
interested in worked a DXpedtion.   If you think you are going to win 
then turn it off and win the contest and work the DX later.

It can become a slippery slope.   In the end only you know what you did.

Why not just pick assisted and watch all the spots you want.  A piece of 
paper with assisted on it is still good!

I run a cluster.  If I have to do some maintenance on it would that 
reclassify me.  Probably not unless I used something I saw while fixing 
whatever it was.


On 10/28/2017 4:07 PM, John Geiger wrote:
> Since we have been talking about contest DQs and the spirit of the rules
> and such, here is something which I have wondered about.  Suppose I am
> operating in a SSB contest, and I set up DX Summit to only show me CW
> spots, because I am looking for a certain DXpedition (like 3C1L) or want to
> look for new band or CW countries since I am not making a serious effort in
> the contest.
> Would this put me in the assisted category?  I am not getting spots about
> any particular station in general, at least not on stations in the SSB
> contest.  I might, however get some information about which bands are open
> to where.
> Or suppose I set up the cluster to only show WARC bands activity?
> 73 John AF5CC
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