[CQ-Contest] Flare / SID Recordings

Ward Silver hwardsil at gmail.com
Wed Sep 6 17:21:10 EDT 2017

Some of the HamSCI (hamsci.org) researchers are interested in on-the-air
recordings (audio) of the effects of a big solar flare, such as today's
X9.3 eruption.  The need is to support a presentation about the effects of
flares on the ionosphere with a real-life record of what that sounds like.

The recording doesn't have to be of today's flare - any big X-ray flare
that caused a Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance (SID) or radio blackout would
do if you can identify the date and time of the recording.

Most audio formats are fine, including MP3, WAV, etc.  Please contact Dr
Phil Erickson, W1PJE, at w1pje at arrl.net to see if your recording is of
interest to him and is in a format he can use.


73, Ward N0AX

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