[CQ-Contest] RTTY frequencies to avoid

Jeff Stai wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Fri Sep 22 14:19:58 EDT 2017

I was asked to provide this - like I'm an expert ;) - but I did some
digging and this seems to be a good start. If anyone else has further info
please do chime in.

First, the information I have received is that the following frequencies
within the RTTY segments may contain emergency traffic. Please take steps
to avoid them:

7045, 7060, 7075, 7090

These are all phone nets and we are asked to give them wide berth (phone
bandwidth). For obvious reasons there may be weak stations you can't hear
but others are trying to hear them. (Source: ARRL and others)

Also don't forget about the beacons at 14100 and 21150 - NCDXF recommends
giving them 500Hz on either side, at least. (Be nice if 21150 was actually
an issue!)

And of course, there are our friends using various other digital modes in
the 70-80Khz segments on each band.

And remember that the US 80m RTTY band is limited to 3500-3600. Non-US
stations CQ-ing above 3600 please consider listening below as well.

Have fun! 73  jeff wk6i

ps: Please do not avoid 10m. Take a listen and throw out a couple CQs. You
never know.

Jeff Stai ~ wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
Facebook ~ http://www.facebook.com/twistedoak

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