[CQ-Contest] SATERN Seeks Net Controls

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Sun Sep 24 20:19:00 EDT 2017

Thank you, Gerry. It is great to hear that contesters are stepping up to 
the plate. On a related note, I just saw this email from N0AX indicating 
that there is a need for bilingual operators to support the emergency nets:

>From: Ward Silver <hwardsil at gmail.com>
>Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2017 8:19 AM
>To: Charles K. Epps; Stu Phillips; n6an at arrl.net; Ned
>Subject: Bilingual Relay Stations Needed

>In the recent requests for volunteers from the Red Cross and Salvation Army, a common thread is that bilingual skills are really helpful.  The Hurricane Watch Net, SATERN, and Caribbean Emergency Nets can use relay stations to just >stand by on frequency to help out with weak signals or with translating/handling Spanish-language traffic.  Stations on the West Coast can also help when the bands "go long" to the west and East Coast/Midwest stations lose >propagation. Please pass this along to your contest club members with good stations and ask them to tune to the nets and see if they can help if they are looking for a way to contribute.

>73, Ward N0AX

I don't have a working station right now, so the best I can do is try to 
encourage those who do.

73, Mike W4EF..................

On 9/24/2017 4:22 AM, Gerry Hull wrote:
> W1WEF, KC1CWF and myself are all contesters who have been handling H&W
> traffic.  I will inquire about net control, but believe actually handling
> the traffic is the more important work.
> It is very rewarding.  I'll be back doing it today.
> 73, Gerry W1VE
> On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 7:03 AM Michael Tope <W4EF at dellroy.com> wrote:
>> This seems like it would be a good opportunity for the contest community
>> make good on the claim that contesters are the best operators and have
>> the best and biggest stations:
>> http://www.arrl.org/news/satern-seeks-volunteers-to-serve-as-net-control-or-relay-stations
>> 73, Mike W4EF
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