[CQ-Contest] Georgia QSO Party, April 14 and 15, 2018

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Thu Apr 5 15:59:06 EDT 2018

The annual Georgia QSO Party will be held on the weekend of April 14 and 
15 this year.  Times are 1800 to 0359Z on Saturday/Sunday and 1400 to 
2359Z on Sunday.  10 hours each day.  As usual, there will be a number 
of mobile operations, as well as portable and fixed stations.  Georgia 
has 159 counties, the most in the US other than for TX.  And many of the 
counties are small enough that mobiles can go through them in 20 minutes 
or so.  A mobile becomes a new station each time it changes counties. 
Each station can be worked once on CW and once on SSB on the 160, 80, 
40, 20, 15, and 10 meter bands.  Nice certificates and plaques are 
awarded.  In several recent years, all counties have been active, but we 
have never had anyone work all the counties in one weekend.  Maybe this 
will be the year for that.  All information is available on the GQP 
website, www.georgiaqsoparty.org. including announced operations from 
each county and results from prior years.  Spotting and self-spotting 
are permitted and encouraged.

Please join us in this fun event to the extent that you have time.

Thanks and 73,

John, K4BAI
GQP Director.

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