[CQ-Contest] Certificates

ShelbyK4WW shelbyk4ww at gmail.com
Fri Apr 6 08:17:59 EDT 2018

N2RJ wrote: " For experienced contesters like myself and others, printed
 certificates really don't matter - we go for the big awards or even
 just our callsign in the results column. So for us we can mostly opt
 out. But I think for the newcomers it is important,"

After 37 years, far less than most, I suppose I'm not yet "experienced". I
still have, and enjoy looking at the 1982 ARRL, 10 meter contest
certificate, for 1st KY section. It was the contest that got me "hooked",
and it resides in one, of several, binders containing certificates received
over the years. I don't enter for awards, regardless of the type. I enter
because I want to. It bothers me when an uninformed, "experienced",
contester chooses to express their opinion as the "gospel". If you don't
want a certificate, by all means opt out, just don't think your actions
reflect the choices of others.

73, Shelby - K4WW
As I don't have an iPad nor iPhone, sent from my PC

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