[CQ-Contest] UK/EI DX CW Contest - Results

Chris Tran GM3WOJ gm3woj at christran.net
Sat Apr 7 13:56:47 EDT 2018

Saturday 7th April 2018

Hello worldwide contesters

The Results of last weekend’s UK/EI DX CW contest have now been finalised :


Congratulations to Gerard EI5KF on winning Overall and the High Power Unassisted 24-hour section, who wins the Kenwood Cup (sponsored by Kenwood UK)

Also to Martin MD4K (G4XUM) on winning the High Power Unassisted 12-hour section, to Sergey P3X (UT5UDX) on winning the High Power Assisted 12-hour section, to Tim G8X (G4FJK) on winning the Low Power Assisted 24-hour section and to Jo UT4U on winning the High Power Assisted 24-hour section. 
Congratulations also to Vladimir RA3XCZ on winning the Rookie section (licenced less than 3 years) and to Alan M7R (G0TPH) on winning the QRP section.

We still have some UBN files to e-mail to entrants – about 300 out of the 417 were sent yesterday - the remainder will be sent out over the next few days.  It also takes a while to sort out the plaques and certificates – pse QRX.

Thanks to everyone who took part – the UK/EI DX SSB contest is on the 30th Sept/1st October 2018.

73  Chris 
o.b.o. the UKEICC team

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