[CQ-Contest] It's time for an Assisted category in NAQP

Jeff Clarke ku8e at ku8e.com
Wed Aug 8 00:43:02 EDT 2018


The amount of power you run is not as important as the type of antennas 
you are using. You can't possible agree that a station running low power 
and stacked yagis is equal to someone using dipoles? In fact I proved 
this point earlier this year when I ran high power in the January NAQP 
SSB contest. I heard many stations on scatter who were supposedly 
running 100 watts (based on the 3830 postings) who couldn't hear me 
calling them and I was running 600 watts. There are several stations 
that I hear in NAQP every year who are just way too loud on scatter to 
be running 100 watts.

BTW the NAQP was the replacement for the old CD Parties that were being 
discontinued by the ARRL. I was in that smoked filled room way back in 
the 1980's at the ARRL National Convention in Louisville, KY when the 
idea of the NAQP was dreamed up.  I don't seem to remember if the old 
ARRL CD parties were only low power contest?


On 8/7/2018 11:48 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On 8/7/2018 6:48 AM, N4ZR wrote:
>> ARRL 160 CW and ARRL 10M contests got rid of this anachronism a few 
>> years ago - it's time for NAQP to follow suit.  I don't know who 
>> decides such things, but trust that Chris will know who needs to take 
>> action.
> I strongly disagree. NAQP is what it is BECAUSE of the no-cluster, Low 
> Power Rule.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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*Jeff Clarke*
Information Technology Professional
Ellerslie, Georgia

KU8E.com <http://www.ku8e.com/>

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