[CQ-Contest] Summary of Software and Transceivers used by WRTC teams

Jack Brindle jackbrindle at me.com
Wed Aug 8 18:39:34 EDT 2018

There is another possibility. It is possible that stations participating in IARU may have sent bad information to some WRTC participants, but not to others. This would not involve the WRTC judging at all, and would be hard to detect, although recordings would show it. This would be particularly bad if true, but possibly not too far out of line with some of the behavior we have seen in the past (cheerleading, etc). No idea how to counter something like this.

My own opinion is that I certainly hope it is not true.

Jack, W6FB

> On Aug 8, 2018, at 6:54 AM, Roger Parsons via CQ-Contest <cq-contest at contesting.com> wrote:
> Jim, K9YC wrote:
> "A competitor friend (who placed in the top third of the pack) told me yesterday..... also had QSOs removed for exchange errors that were clearly copied and logged correctly based on their recording."
> You appear to be suggesting that the organisers deliberately falsified the results for some competitors. That's a pretty serious accusation. If you have hard evidence, it should be brought forward. If you don't, that comment is an unreasonable attack on the organisers.
> 73 Roger
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