[CQ-Contest] Assisted

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Wed Aug 15 13:41:24 EDT 2018

Pretty much *anything* can be considered "assistance" if you take it to the

There are a lot of extremists on this list.


EX: You put on fresh underwear before you sat down to operate and now feel
great and thus so you're at a distink<sic> advantage over Mr. Stinky Drawers
across town who's washing machine broke down a week ago.


Look guys..when it gets down to it..anything that can provide callsign and
frequency information

(IE: ZS1ABC is on 14.001) in more or less real time can be considered true


Those who bellyache about SCP crack me up. If I type in K1Z and K1ZM and
K1ZZ (and 24 2-letter other combos) (way more if it maybe was a 3 letter
sfx) come up on my "Super Check Partial" box, there is no way that is going
to make the decision as to who it was I just heard.  Only thing that will
decide that is my brain.


Since I am not a touch typist, the SCP just saves me a little typing here
and there.


Now everyone go put on their (fresh) big boy pants and get back to the


Mike VE9Assistance Assistance.


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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