[CQ-Contest] WWV and WWVH may go off the air. 100, 000 signatures needed by Sept. 15th.

Ron Notarius W3WN wn3vaw at verizon.net
Mon Aug 20 16:55:07 EDT 2018

Yes, definitely, sign the petition!

But don't stop there.  Write or email your local congress critter and tell them, in your own words, why you think WWV / WWVH / WWVB are important and need to be kept on the air, and thus, be properly funded.

Petitions are easy to ignore.  Direct communication from constituents is a lot harder.  Especially since statistically, every constituent who contacts them represents dozens to hundreds (depending on the cause) who feel the same way, but for some reason didn't communicate with them.

Direct contact matters!

Sorry for the slightly OT rant, but I feel that this is important enough to warrant it.

73, ron W3WN

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Wilson, N6TV <n6tv at arrl.net>
To: CQ Contest Reflector <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Mon, Aug 20, 2018 2:16 pm
Subject: [CQ-Contest] WWV and WWVH may go off the air. 100, 000 signatures needed by Sept. 15th.

WWV and WWVH are planned to be shut down due to major proposed budget cuts.


It's not clear if WWVB, which is used by many so-called "atomic" clocks and
watches, is also going to be shut down, but since WWVB is also "a NIST
radio station in Colorado," the answer appears to be YES.

I've signed the petition to request that funding be maintained, and I
encourage you to do the same.


Obviously U.S. hams alone cannot produce 100,000 signatures; help will also
be needed from industry, consumers, the military, etc.

Bob, N6TV
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