[CQ-Contest] New SO2R trick?

Art Boyars artboyars at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 11:24:31 EST 2018

My "fresh meat" Saturday night operation in ARRL 160M Contest can yield
some nice runs from Big Guns (and mid-Atlantic locals).

Last Saturday night 1045Z a Big Gun in northeastern North America answered
my CQ, sending his call twice.  That was unusual.  I wondered if I was
particularly weak at his station (not likely), and maybe he thought I would
need the QSX to get his call.

But now I'm wondering: Could he have been creating a couple of extra
seconds on transmit so that he could finish copying something (a call
sign?) on the other radio?

Are SO2R op's adding this trick to their skill set?

73, Art K3KU


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