[CQ-Contest] CW Speed..

Gerry Hull gerry at yccc.org
Tue Dec 11 09:18:25 EST 2018

Hey Sean,

Not much different from 6m, except the "burns" are longer.   Meteors are
falling all the time.  Of course, during the showers, many more pings.

Power is your friend.   So is a directional antenna.  Certainly not
impossible with 100w, but more challenging.

Just Google   "Meteor Scatter on 10m"   There are a ton of articles of
people that do it.

It is a mode for patient people.   The good thing about 10 is that the
burns are typically long enough to complete a QSO.   On 6, they are
shorter.  On 2m, very challenging.


Gerry W1VE

On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 6:45 PM Sean Waite <waisean at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm curious about meteor scatter on 10m. Does anyone have resources? I
> know a fair bit of gain is required on 6 and above, is it the same on 10?
> Sean WA1TE
> On Mon, Dec 10, 2018, 18:21 Gerry Hull <gerry at yccc.org> wrote:
>> I agree, Matt!
>> I made a bunch of meteor QSOs that way this weekend, in the 40 wpm range.
>> My average speed was 32, slow for me.   If I needed to QRS, I did.
>> And, Joe, I agree with you that LIDs who don't QRS don't make QSOs.
>> I also find when I'm 35 plus, people Miss the Dit and call me W1UE.
>> So I have to weigh in that factor.
>> 73,
>> Gerry W1VE
>> On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 12:10 PM Mats Strandberg <sm6lrr at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Joe,
>> >
>> > In general I agree with you, but my experience from 10 meters, when
>> band in
>> > general is ”dead”, and only various types of “scatter” propagation
>> > (Tropo/Meteor/Airplane) or whatever exist, then QRQ can be the
>> difference
>> > of getting a full call or a test message - or not getting it.
>> >
>> > Bursts can be VERY short, and sharp borders between readability or no
>> > readability. 10 WPM under such extreme conditions is way too slow...
>> >
>> > At least this is the type of 10 m conditions we have where I live,
>> mainly
>> > during late evenings, night or early mornings.
>> >
>> > 73 de RM2D, Mats
>> >
>> > On Mon, 10 Dec 2018 at 18:33, Joe <nss at mwt.net> wrote:
>> >
>> > > I will never ever understand some OP's.
>> > >
>> > > In this past weekends 10 meter contest. Most times signals were very
>> > > weak, often fluttery like being over the pole etc.
>> > >
>> > > YET! I would hear countless guys going forever at like 40+ WPM.
>> > >
>> > > I can do 40+ WPM I have the ARRL Certificate to prove it. But when it
>> is
>> > > all fluttery, and weak as an EME signal, hello, 40+ WPM doesn't cut
>> it.
>> > > I had countless times where I had to listen to one station for a few
>> > > minutes to try to make sure I got his call correct, still on many just
>> > > said screw them, and turned the big knob.
>> > >
>> > > Yet there was one guy (I had worked everyone I could hear, so was
>> taking
>> > > a break for lunch) I listened to him rattle off at 40+ wpm with not a
>> > > single QSO. I hear several try to work him, and keep asking for
>> repeats,
>> > > but he never slowed down at all and the people like me would just tune
>> > > away.
>> > >
>> > > I can fully understand when the band is wide open and you have
>> countless
>> > > people calling you, to run fast, but when you have gone for more than
>> 30
>> > > minutes with only partial contacts made ever thing of dropping to 20
>> or
>> > > even less?
>> > >
>> > > Myself when things got slow contact wise I often go way to the top of
>> > > the activity in the band and go really slow! I mean like 10 WPM or
>> even
>> > > less sometimes, you would not believe how many new comers are sooo
>> > > grateful that I did.
>> > >
>> > > Joe WB9SBD
>> > >
>> > > --
>> > > Sig
>> > > The Original Rolling Ball Clock
>> > > Idle Tyme
>> > > Idle-Tyme.com
>> > > http://www.idle-tyme.com
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> Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X

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