[CQ-Contest] NS RTTY this Thursday

Ken K6MR k6mr at outlook.com
Tue Dec 18 21:17:14 EST 2018

Greetings Diddlers:

Good turnout last week.  In addition to most of our regulars, we had 3 (count ‘em, 3) new or returning new (at least new to me) stations active.  W6IA, Mark escaped me somehow but worked many others.  K5XH, also Mark, brought the reasonably rare AR mult to the gathering.  Bob, K4DJG also jumped in from the not so rare VA mult to round out a busy session.  Welcome all and hope to see you back again.

One gentle reminder:  we would really appreciate a posting to 3830 no matter how many Qs you make.  It’s difficult to judge turnout with conditions as they are since I often don’t work or even hear everyone just due to propagation.  So 1 Q or 100 (yea, right) please take a minute or two to post how you did on 3830.  Thanks!

The upcoming weekend looks to be almost contest free with just a few cw or mixed mode tests that don’t include RTTY.  But don’t forget we are just a couple weeks shy of the start of the New Year which means: RTTY Roundup!  So join us Thursday (in NA) evening and give your diddle machine a short workout, and you’ll have the whole weekend to fix anything that’s not quite right.  And while you are thinking about it, put a yellow sticky on the monitor that reminds you to keep Jan. 5 and 6 reserved for the first big RTTY test of the year.

And the details for our usual Thursday evening get together:

Friday, 21 Dec 2018, 0145Z - 0215Z (Thursday 20 Dec 2018 in NA)
-- 1745 - 1815 PST
-- 2045 - 2115 EST
-- (others in-between those two)
-- 160: 1805 and up (Last two minutes seem to be popular…)
-- 80/40/20/15 +80kHz up from the band edge
-- Same band dupes ok after 1 intervening Q.
-- 1 kHz QSY rule, otherwise standard Sprint rules
-- Mults per band.-- 100W power limit

Please visit http://www.ncccsprint.com/rttyns.html for complete rules and links to other info. If you find any problems with the web pages, please let me know so we can get them fixed.
If you would like to receive all the latest info about NS as well as a have a place for comments and questions, sign up for the NS mailing list:  https://groups.io/g/nccc-blue

Contestonlinescore.com has a slot set up for us if you’d like to make sure your logger is talking to the world.  Select NCCC NA RTTY Sprint.

Report scores to 3830scores.com, and join us at 0300Z on 3610 kHz (+/- a few for ongoing groups) for comments and questions (and dinner menus).

Diddle diddle,

Ken K6MR

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