[CQ-Contest] One Week until The Stew Perry Top Band DX Challenge!

John Geiger af5cc2 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 23 14:25:21 EST 2018

" Greetings Top Band Insomniacs"

To Quote Aerosmith:  "We ain't seen the daylight since we started this

73 John AF5CC

On Sun, Dec 23, 2018 at 5:45 AM Lew Sayre <w7ew at arrl.net> wrote:

> Greetings Top Band Insomniacs, RF Maniacs and Low Band Lovers,
>      It is slightly less than one week until the starting gong for The Stew
> Perry Top Band DX Challenge sponsored by The Boring Amateur Radio
> Club.  Be sure to set aside up to 14 hours to participate in the best 160M
> CW contest in our solar system Dec. 29/30. Please go read the rules:
> http://www.kkn.net/stew/ <http://www.kkn.net/stew/>        Where else can
> you spend an enjoyable
> evening exchanging grid squares with 160M enthusiasts worldwide?
>      Certain aspects of The Stew competition will be recognized by
> beautiful
> plaques. Those special categories are sponsored by Radio Stalwarts as
> noted below.  You can join this stellar group by sponsoring a plaque also.
> Simply email me at my address listed at the end of this epistle for
> information.
> KL7RA        Top # QSOs, S/O
> EI2CN          W/K/N/VE/XE station with most QSOs with EI/British Isles
> N9TF            Top Score QRP, from RF deprived Grids EN00 through EN79
> N9TF            Top # Grids NA,S/O,QRP non-resonant antenna <40' above
>                       ground
> N9TF             Top Score USA,S/O,L/P-multi trap vertical, non-resonant on
>   160M           no matching device for 160 on or at antenna, tuner in
> shack
>      OK.
> UX1UA           Top # SA + NA QSOs by Zone 16 Station
> UX1UA           Top # QSOs with Zone 16 by NA Station
> K7CA              Top Score Zone 22
> K7CA              Top Score Zone 24
> W2GD Team   Top # QSOs wid NA/SA by EU Station
> KH6LC            Top Score From VK or ZL
> K1EP               Top Score by Op 21 y/o or less
> K2PO               Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
> K5WA               Top # Grids using minimally directional antennas-
>       (random wire, inverted V or Loop, etc.)
> K5WA                Top # Grids 100 watts or less
> N7GP                 Top # NA Grids worked from Zone 25
> VE9AA               Top Score 100w Mobile- (vehicle,radio, antenna all
>       capable of actual highway travel. No need to sign /M)
> WA6CDR             N5IA Memorial- Top # Grids Worked
> NQ6N                   Highest score by Station working other Stations
>         who are running 100 watts or less
> EI4HQ                 Top Score, S/O, QRP
> K6ND                   K6SE Memorial- Top Score, S/O, World
> W7RH                  Top Score Asia, Low Power (100W or less)
> K7FL                    Top Score 100% S & P
> KR2Q                   Golden Log- Highest # QSOs with no busts
> VK6GX                 Heroic Tropical QRN Fighters- (Top Score +/- 15 deg
>                               of equator)
> K2AV                    Master of The Small Lot- (Top Score from property
>      containing all antennas =/< 1/4 acre, 1012 meters square, 10890 sq ft)
> VK6VZ       A Flying Doctors of VK Baseball cap for Top Score- Northern
> Hemisphere  Station working Southern Hemisphere Stations.
>      The Reflectors note excellent DX is afoot. Very long distance contacts
> are
> being completed on 160M. The weather is perfect for  this with blizzards,
> floods,
> windstorms, tornados and ice. So find a break in whatever nasty weather you
> have
> and get your system spiffed for next weekend.. The further away your QSO
> partner
> is at, the more points you get for that contact. What a concept!
>      This year get your log in early and please specify in your comments
> any
> plaque that you might want to win. The Boring Amateur Radio Club has many
> talents but mind reading is not one of those talents.  Even if you only
> make 3 QSOs
> please submit a log. You might win a plaque and you'll also have your call
> on the
> same list as the best 160M stations in the world.
>      There will be one or two more Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge
> exhortations
> to the 160M faithful, listing the available plaques.
> 73 and I remain,
> Lew      w7ew
> Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Nocturnal Radio
> w7ew at arrl.net
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