[CQ-Contest] Radio Amateurs of Canada - Winter Contest Dec ember 29, 2018

Sam Ferris ve5sf at sasktel.net
Mon Dec 24 08:55:54 EST 2018

Hi All:  Just a quick reminder that the Radio Amateurs of Canada annual
Canada Winter Contest runs from 00:00 to 23:59: UTC inclusive on December
29, 2018.  This is an everyone works everyone contest with CW and Phone
operation in single or mixed mode, multi band or single band, and various
single operator or multi operator categories.  Radio operators worldwide are
welcome to participate.  For all the contest rules please see:
https://wp.rac.ca/rac-canada-winter-contest-rules-2018/ .   Contest entries
in Cabrillo format to canadawinter at rac.ca 
Happy Holidays and best of wishes for 2019.
RAC Canada Winter Contest Manager.

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