[CQ-Contest] WRTC 2022 Website is online ! Qualification Rules and Mailing List subscription ready !

Jeff Clarke ku8e at ku8e.com
Mon Dec 31 18:15:39 EST 2018

Thank you for breaking up the W4 call area into separate regions !!!  
We've never had a chance to be competitive against the guys north of us 
in VA and NC in DX contests. I probably don't have a big enough of a 
station to be competitive but maybe I will try this time

Jeff KU8E/4  in Georgia and PW5Y in WRTC 2006

On 12/31/2018 03:15 PM, Trent Sampson wrote:
> Hi Carlo,
> Good to see the new rules.
> Why would LP be not worth as many points as HP and Assisted worth more than LP ?
> It is your sandbox but I really would like an explanation when by the rankings of categories LP is higher - why are the qualifying points awarded lower?
> Thank you for the Oceania Categories
> Trent VK4TS
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CQ-Contest <cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of IK1HJS Carlo De Mari
> Sent: Tuesday, 1 January 2019 1:20 AM
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] WRTC 2022 Website is online ! Qualification Rules and Mailing List subscription ready !
> https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwrtc2022.it&data=02%7C01%7C%7Ca3b52ce0889b43db17a308d66f361316%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636818675367392363&sdata=Q44SnPdKBuyk8alVOnXusCDfJr27egQ4eu9cim9BHuY%3D&reserved=0
> Just in time...!
> Thanks for the good work with WRTC Sanctioning Committee we are happy to have the website online the last day of the year !
> Happy New Year to everybody from the WRTC 2022 Team.
> Please don't think that WRTC is only for Top guns ... you might have a chance ... read the rules !
> 73 de WRTC 2022 Team
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*Jeff Clarke*
Information Technology Professional
Ellerslie, Georgia

KU8E.com <http://www.ku8e.com/>

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