[CQ-Contest] January NAQP SSB Preliminary Results

Alan M. Eshleman doctore at well.com
Tue Feb 6 23:39:10 EST 2018

They're not posted yet--at least not where the link you posted took me.  There are no 2018 results/

73, Alan, K6SRZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill AC0W" <ac0w at charter.net>
To: "CQ-Contest Reflector" <cq-contest at contesting.com>, "Minnesota Wireless Association" <mwa at w0aa.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 6, 2018 5:28:37 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] January NAQP SSB Preliminary Results

The 2018 January NAQP SSB preliminary results are now posted on the NCJ web
site, www.ncjweb.com <http://www.ncjweb.com>  . Please check to make sure
you are in the correct category  and there are no large discrepancies in
your score. Contact me at ssbnaqpmgr at ncjweb.com
<mailto:ssbnaqpmgr at ncjweb.com>  if you have questions or notice something
does not appear right by February 20. 


Please share this with your contest clubs and your team mates.





NAQP SSB Manager

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