[CQ-Contest] YLRL YL-OM Contest this weekend

Victor Androsov victor.androsov at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 21:32:37 EST 2018

We have prepared the score board for the YL-OM contest:


Please don't forget to configure your logger to use "Score distributor
server " (N1MM+) or http://www.b41h.net/scoredistributor.php for the rest
of loggers to send score postings to the Real Score Cluster.



On 6 February 2018 at 20:34, Barbara Yasson <byasson at pacifier.com> wrote:

> The YLRL YL-OM Contest is this weekend 2/9 - 2/11.  I hope you will take
> time to listen for stations in the contest and make contact with them.
> Rules and information about the contest are posted on the YLRL.org website.
> The YL-OM Contest page is listed under the Contests and DX Awards sidebar
> and has up-to-date information about the contest.
> Hope to hear you on the air and receive your log.
> 73,
> Barbara AC7UH
> YLRL Vice President
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