[CQ-Contest] NS Sprint for Friday, February 9 , 0230-0300Z

Thomas Hutton n3zz.tom at gmail.com
Thu Feb 8 00:15:17 EST 2018

NS Sprint for Friday, February 9 , 0230-0300Z

This message is a bit late this week as I have been mostly living in
airports here and about for this week.

There were 45 logs on 3830 last week plus several more ops who didn't
submit there.  Nice to hear
VE9AA booming in at +20 over 9.

Not unexpectedly, NS ops did very well in last Saturdays NA Sprint.

Summary of NS Sprint Rules:

          — 15, 20, 40, 80 and 160m  38-44 KHz up from band edge, 1813-

              1818 on 160m
          -- 100 watts max.
         --  0230-0300 UTC exactly (please set time accurately)
          -- 100 watts max.
           -- Sprint QSY, format, NAQP-style mults per band
          -- 1 KHz minimum QSY, 2-3 KHz encouraged.
          — Contact stations once per band
          -- Score reports to 3830scores.com (Tks, WA7BNM)
    Rules:  http://www.ncccsprint.com/ladder.html
    Schedule:    http://www.ncccsprint.com/next_ns.html

    Divisions . . see map at http://www.ncccsprint.com/ladder.html
    Weekly results:  "GO" button at www.ncccsprint.com
     Operating tips: http://ncccsprint.com/operating.html

     Reminder to report your scoring to 3830 reflector.

    nccc-blue reflector:  Join our low-volume reflector to
discuss NS and NS Ladder topics.  Sign up at


Join N6RO for an on-the-air rehash at 0300Z Friday at 3610 kHz.


Tom  N3ZZ

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