[CQ-Contest] North American QSO Party on RTTY will be Saturday Feb 24, 2018

K6UFO Mark Aaker k6ufo at arrl.net
Wed Feb 14 13:26:58 EST 2018

Plan now for a good time in the NAQP RTTY on Saturday February 24, 2018. 
It's 12 hours of fun on 5 bands! Well okay, its only 10 hrs out of 12 for Single-ops, 
and only 4 bands out of 5 with no 10 meter band opening - but it's still fun! 
The exchange of Name and State (Province/Country) lets you connect with old 
friends, or be surprised by a new and unexpected name! 

You'll find the Rules, Team Registration, and more at the National Contest Journal: 
<http://ncjweb.com/naqp/> www.ncjweb.com/naqp/ 

Any club or group of friends can form a Team of two to five single-operators. 
Team Registration starts Feb 17th (7 days before the contest) and must 
be complete before the contest starts, using the "Team Registration" link at: 
<http://ncjweb.com/rttynaqpteamreg/>  http://ncjweb.com/rttynaqpteamreg/ 
Start recruiting your Team now! 

RTTY Practice will be available both Thursdays, and one Friday night: 

Thursday nights, there is the weekly NCCC Sprint on RTTY: 
5:45 PM PST (0145 UTC Friday) for 30 minutes. 
This follows the North American Sprint exchanges and NS rules. 
<http://ncccsprint.com/rttyns.html> http://ncccsprint.com/rttyns.html 

Friday night, February 23 we'll have an actual NAQP RTTY Practice: 
9:30PM EST, 6:30PM PST, (0230 UTC Saturday) for 30 minutes. 
Use your NAQP messages and the bands that are open for you: 
14.080, 7080 and 3580 kHz and up as needed. Get the bugs out before 
Saturday morning! 

Plan now to party on RTTY, Saturday February 24! 

Mark Aaker K6UFO 
NAQP RTTY Contest Manager 
k6ufo at arrl dot net 

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