[CQ-Contest] CQWW SSB 2017 Effective DQ

Ron Notarius W3WN wn3vaw at verizon.net
Mon Jan 29 09:59:19 EST 2018

If I may be permitted...

I think in all of the hand-wringing regarding the allegations of past wrong-doing, use or misuse of cluster/RBN spots, capabilities of the newest equipment, etc., etc....

One other important point seems to have been overlooked.  Whether or not one feels that everyone should record their contest operation, or how one feels about whether or not an operator has (deservedly or not) painted the metaphorical target on their back.

IF an operator, who was being competitive but was not actively trying for "Top 5" status, just happens due to other unforseen or unplanned circumstances to place in the Top 5 in their category... and this operator did not record his operation... shouId this operator then be penalized by reclassification or removal from the Top 5 for not having this recording?

This is not, IMHO, a trivial question.  There are many reasons or circumstances that could cause this event to happen.  I won't belabor all the possibilities (some are pretty unlikely but not impossible), but the simplest one that comes to mind is that someone gets "the itch" and in the course of the contest starts to really do well, much more so than they had anticipated.

The rules do not require all submitting logs to have a recording available... only those who "intend" to finish at the top.  Clearly the intent was that only the most competitive ops, who would probably do so anyway, have this as a requirement.  The casual op, who might decide to skip the contest if the requirements get too onerous, is not explicitly required to do so.

Now clearly, if someone alleges over time (say, 3 or more contests) that they "just happened" to finish in the Top 5 but hadn't "intended" to, well, I'd raise an eyebrow at the unlikely coincidence as well.  To say the least.  Nor am I trying to suggest that when there is clear indications of what the real "intentions" are that a contest committee shouldn't investigate further.  Circumstances, and circumstantial evidence, does matter.

But in general... I would suggest that absent hard evidence to the contrary, and allowing for circumstances and past behavior, if an operator does, pure and simple, get lucky, they should not be penalized.  Not when the rules permit a "gray area" to exist. 

73, ron W3WN

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