[CQ-Contest] WRTC Qualifying

steve.root steve.root at culligan4water.com
Sun Jul 8 09:24:27 EDT 2018


Some very good thoughts here.  However...  This "National Body" you talk about would most likely be made up of the same group of people that participate in WRTC right now.  I don't see where the enlightenment would come from.  Secondly, the differences in propagation are truly enormous and under appreciated by those who make "the rules".  The Zero district is enormous.  I dare anyone on this list to qualify for WRTC from the Dakotas, Minnesota, or Iowa.  There isn't enough propagation from here to support the effort required.  And finally, the original complaint in this thread started with the observation that under the current rules, the Team Leader cam pick a team mate from anywhere on the Planet.  If you already have a remote chance of ever participating in WRTC and then the team leader picks a European as his partner, well that's just wrong.

Good luck to everyone and I hope the bands are crackling and everyone has a good time.

73 Steve K0SR    

> On July 8, 2018 at 7:09 AM Gerry Hull <gerry at yccc.org> wrote:
> I agree we need to make WRTC more accessible.  How to do that is difficult.
> Regional differences in the number of radio amateurs, propagation
> conditions,  economics and station accessibility make it difficult for many
> who are actually world class competitors.
> Why not have some national body (be it a group of esteemed contesters, a
> national organization, or some other important group) determine what the
> criteria is to qualify for WRTC?  It would always include the big four DX
> contests, but could include more regional contests than what are currently
> included (I think we have enough contests?).  This could also bolster
> participation in smaller regional competitions.   This is kind of how the
> real olympics is done.   The national body would be responsible for
> ensuring they send qualified candidates.
> In this way, those people who we know to be very good, but do not score
> high enough in large international events, would have more of a shot.   The
> challenge is countries with a small number of Contesters — who determines
> and who goes?
> WRTC is fantastic — every rendition has been an improvement.  Let’s think
> about how it can be more inclusive as we look to future years.
> 73,
> Gerry W1VE
> WRTC 2018 Referee
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