[CQ-Contest] WRTC Qualifying

Bob Shohet, KQ2M kq2m at kq2m.com
Sun Jul 8 22:30:29 EDT 2018


I didn’t forget anything.  My response was generalized because I couldn’t possibly express all the differences by band, by antennas and by qth region that I have seen and experienced in more than 300+ SOAB efforts plus another 50 or so single band efforts encompassing  CQWW, ARRLDX, WPX, IARU, WAE and the 10 meter contests over the past 45 years.  Nor did I want to have to address the changes in propagation by region from one mode to the other between CQWW, ARRLDX and ESPECIALLY WPX.  Of course I left stuff out.  It is impossible to address all the relevant similarities and differences in one brief contest reflector post – it would take an entire BOOK!

Having said that, I can’t even count the number of times that I listened to you (from Florida) run EU on 20 and 40 during openings when I couldn’t even hear a whisper.  I also remember listening to KR0Y run EU on 20 during EU sunrise at the top of the cycle from WM5G (or N5AU)  that KC1F operating from K1EA and I operating from KM1H couldn’t even hear!  Jeff won ARRLDX SSB because of that opening.  K3LR milked a similar opening from K3TUP the year he won ARRLDX SSB (1991 I think).  K4ZW has won CQWWSSB twice I think and Bill KM9P won CQWWCW from GA.  N5RZ won WPXCW in the early-mid ‘80’s twice I believe.

Yes, these guys are great ops and most were at great stations, but they also had propagation better than I did from W1, or W2 where I was operating from that weekend because they were running EU stations for hours that I could not even hear during EU sunrise when the band was closed for New England! 

And then there was the extraordinary and likely never to be repeated CQWWSSB win by WA6VEF from AI6V in 1983.

And then there were the CQWW and ARRLDX wins from the mid-Atlantic states in the mid – late ‘80s – K0DQ operating from W3GRF, and others.

Before all of those wins, I remember ~35 years ago talking to KR0Y, KM9P and maybe WC4E outside an elevator in the Crowne Plaza at Dayton and I told them that I KNEW that CQWW, ARRLDX could be won outside of New England and the Northeast – that all it would take was a highly motivated and highly skilled op operating from a top-notch station on the right weekend, and that the ONLY reason that it had not happened yet was because everyone thought it was impossible, so therefore the right ops hadn’t bothered to operate with the right mentality to WIN.  They thought I was nuts and told me so.  Funny though how it was only a few years later when all the non-New England wins started.  Why?  Because of the combination of highly skilled ops, operating from World-class stations operating on the right weekend and then beating EVERYONE in New England and everywhere else.  Equally funny was the amnesia that they had when I reminded them of what I had told them that night in Dayton just a few years before.  There was no magic – I had figured out what it would take to win outside of New England – it was just a matter of other very talented and motivated guys figuring it out too and deciding to go DO IT instead of making excuses about why it couldn’t be done.  That was the point.  I would like to think that I motivated those guys that night by (nicely) challenging them.

In EVERY sunspot cycle, the right op at the right station (outside of New England) on the right weekend can win CQWW or ARRLDX, or WPX (especially WPXCW) or IARU.  BUT, it will be harder now than in the 1980’s of 1990’s because there are more EU ops than ever before and the New England superstations are more built up and further East than ever before.  And we all know that there are far fewer JA’s on now than back then.  Advantage New England for sure!  But I STILL say that in EVERY cycle, the right op operating at the right station on the right weekend can WIN one of those DX contests!  But if no one good enough is on, then it will not happen.  Will it mean that it couldn’t have been done?  NOPE!  Only that the right op didn’t try from the right station on the right weekends.

BTW, the one less hour of darkness that you mention means one additional hour of daylight – when the bands drop out here and we can’t work the Pacific or Asian mults on on 20 or 15, and guys to the South and West do.  And then they could run for Asia/Pacific stations as a slow pace for 1 – 2 hours while we have to fight to the death for a frequency and terrible qrn on 40 or 80.  I won’t even talk about 160 or the fact that by the time you get darkness the MUF is already below 7 mhz in New England at this time of the sunspot cycle.  If you don’t have a big yagi on 40 or are near to the coast qth in New England you might as well be watching tv for all the good it will do to operate.  That is when I used to sleep for a few hours.

Of course we GENERALLY get more Europe than anyone further away, we should, we are closer.  And yes that translates into more EU mults across all the bands.  But look at the CQWWCW mults – the highest mult totals are frequently NOT in New England, and the highest zone totals are definitely not most of the time. 

But also look at the stations that you are comparing against.  Most of the competitive New England stations are BIG – MUCH BIGGER than my station. And their qth’s are MUCH BETTER than mine.  That combination is significantly better than most of the guys in the rest of the country who do SOABHP.   And most of the ops are REALLY good at running EU and maximizing mults and passing them.  It is NOT an equal comparison even BEFORE you get to differences in propagation.

If it weren’t for KM9P, KR0Y, and K4ZW, a lot of contesters would STILL believe that it was impossible to win the big DX contests outside of New England, even though it was never really impossible at all – it was all in the perception - “I believe that it is impossible for me to win, therefore it is impossible for anyone else to win”.

A champion says “I can DO it – I CAN WIN”.  And then he builds the station, develops the skill and operates enough so that he is ready on that weekend when the propagation gods shine on his qth. 


Bob  KQ2M

From: Bill via CQ-Contest 
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2018 7:54 PM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com 
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] WRTC Qualifying

Come on Bob, being in Al or FL is an advantage to work JA and VK, true.  However, no way can it make up for the multitude of countries and QSOs that are available  in EU, especially on 160 and 80.  I'm only 4000 miles from JA out here in KH6, and would gladly exchange the NY EU runs for my much slower JA, BY, YB, HS runs from KH6.  The quantity is just not there, even with my outstanding location.

You forgot one other thing too.  Being in AL or FL means that we get almost one hour less darkness at the end of Oct and Nov to get all those 40, 80 and 160 mults and countries.  Even the ARRL DX contests have that issue.  The only time AL, FL have equal darkness is for WPX SSB.  And no, the extra hour of light is not a big deal for AL/FL on 10, 15 or 20 especially at this point of the cycle.

I once had a big time contester come down from NY to do a multi-single.  He listened on 80 and wanted to know when the signals got better/stronger.  I broke the news to him.  That was a strong as they got.  He was quite disappointed.  End of story.


.  The same way that being in Alabama should provide a BIG advantage vs. New England to working Japan, Southeast Asia, UA9/0 and the Pacific even though there are not as many stations to work.I’m sure that 100 miles North or South makes a big difference on some DX paths in Alabama too but that it is less noticeable until that 100 miles gives you a nice water path somewhere and then you will REALLY notice the difference.

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