Trent Sampson vk4ts at outlook.com
Tue Jul 10 19:06:37 EDT 2018

Greetings Contesters
Thank you for entering the VK Shires Contest 2018.

The Trans-Tasman Low Band (160 80 40) is just around the corner.


Certificates are going to be produced using the same method as the RD for this year. In 2019 we will be adopting the new cross-checking system, which will generate certificates in PDF for you to print.

When you submit a log to a contest manager - every QSO is cross checked with other logs to ensure what you are claiming is correct. This is a time-consuming process manually and why we have adopted cross checking platforms to automate the activity, but it still takes time. It is why we ask that you enter the log in the standard format.  With the advent of the fully automated system in 2019 if you don't fit the format your log won't be processed.

There will be changes to the VK Shires in 2019 - but up the list is allowance of reworks - will keep you all posted of the changes.

If you would like your individual log report, please email me and I can forward the same - Have not worked out how to automate that yet.


Trent VK4TS

on behalf of the Wireless Institute of Australia VK Shires Contest 2018

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