[CQ-Contest] URGENT FOR RBN SKIMMER OPS - Making sure your RBN node spots WRTC Y8#@ callsigns

N4ZR n4zr at comcast.net
Thu Jul 12 15:12:57 EDT 2018

The WRTC organizers have just announced that the WRTC competitors will 
all use callsigns in the format Y8#@, where "#" is a single digit and 
"@" is a single letter.  The calls actually to be issued were then 
culled to ensure more-or-less equal difficulty for CW and phone - for 
example, there are no Y85 calls included, and E, I,and S suffixes were 
not included.

Assuming that you want your RBN Skimmer node to copy the WRTC 
competitors fairly, you'll need to change your patt3ch.lst file. We've 
automated this to make it trivial to do.

1. Go to the "patt3ch.lst" tabof the Aggregator. You should have already 
entered the current location of this file in the box on this page.  For 
those who haven't, browse to it at, nominally, "C:\Users\[your 
username}\appdata\roving\Afreet\reference" and make sure the box is 
properly filled.

2. Once the Aggregator knows where to find the pattern file, you'll see 
on both the "patt3ch.lst" tab and the "Status" tab of the Aggregator a 
red message that your patt3ch.lst file needs to be updated. Go back to 
the "patt3ch.lst" tab and click the Download button.  Within a few 
seconds, you'll see a green message indicating that your pattern file is 
now up to date.

3.  One final, essential step - stop Skimmer or Skimmer Server and 
restart it, to load the new pattern file.

Any questions? Write to me ASAP and I'll try to help.


73, Pete N4ZR
Check out the Reverse Beacon Network
at<http://reversebeacon.net>, now
spotting RTTY activity worldwide.
For spots, please use your favorite
"retail" DX cluster.

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