[CQ-Contest] Re; Use of remote receivers at "HQ" station in IARU contest

Tom Frenaye frenaye at pcnet.com
Mon Jul 16 12:02:36 EDT 2018

Steve/KL7SB wrote:

>I was wondering about the following situation ..
>I was scheduled to operate at one of the HQ stations for this contest.  In 
>this case, this particular station was doing 15 and 40M CW, with stations in 
>other parts of the country, doing 10, 80, and 160.  I didn't actually 
>operate, for reasons that don't matter at the moment.  What was 
>strange, to me, is that when they were giving the ops instructions, and 
>explaining the rx antenna switching, they explained that positions 1-4 (I 
>think) were Beverages, and that in addition they had remote receivers, and were 
>encouraged to use them if necessary.
>I checked out the IARU contest rules, and don't see anything stated 
>specifically, but I know in general, contest rules require all antennas both rx 
>and tx to be in fairly close proximity to the actual transmitting 
>Any ideas?

My reading of the IARU rules and the supplemental ARRL General Rules for Contests suggests that remote receivers are not permitted, even for HQ stations.
Traditionally, HQ stations have been treated separately and have special rules to allow multi-muli and stations in multiple QTHs within the same ITU zone.   

They don't officially compete for score - the rules say they get participation certificates.  But, the scores are collected and compared (I don't think it's part 
of the IARU/ARRL log checking process, yet a table of HQ scores is included in the results.   The HQ competition is intense and at different times there have
been serious issues with some groups finding ways to bend/break the rules in order to finish at or near the top.

I think it's a "bad thing" if one or more of them was actively using remote receivers and hope the associated HQ scores will not be included in the final table.

    -- Tom

e-mail: frenaye at pcnet.com    YCCC  --> http://www.yccc.org/
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box J, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: 860-668-5444 

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