[CQ-Contest] 2022 WRTC Thoughts

Ed K1EP k1ep.list at gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 12:47:22 EDT 2018

I think that WRTC should be about operator skill. WRTCs in the past have
strived to equalize locations, antennas, and equipment to attempt that end
result.  What if everyone used the same antenna(s)? With the advancement of
SDR technology, it is feasible. I would think three sets of fixed TX snd RX
antennas for the five bands be shared amongst all competitors. They could
sit in air conditioned hotel rooms. For the transmitter, there would be
three SDR radios for each band, one on each antenna. Each competitor would
select the band/direction transmitter they desire. For example, if all 63
competitors selected the NA 20M radio/antenna, the transmitter would need
to be able to output a total of 6300W, which, given WRTC2022 is in Italy,
might not be a problem ;-)  Seriously, a specially designed SDR TX could be
capable of 63 individual linear modulation streams. RX would be easier,
just distribute each bands' entire BW to each competitor and let them use
an RX of their choice. Higher linearity A/Ds would be necessary to
eliminate the necessity for narrow roofing filters if the distribution was
digitized RF. RX and TX locations would need enough separation to eliminate
interference. I am sure there are other technical hurdles to overcome.
Is this more work than setting up 63 equal stations?
Maybe...maybe not. Is it technically feasible? Possibly, but until it is
attempted, we won't know. Is it equal for all competitors? Probably, but it
may force them to use unfamiliar radios. Maybe a partial implementation
could take place with just the RX side. Or a trial run with say five teams
to test a small scale setup. Just tossing out ideas that have been
discussed in the past.

On Mon, Jul 16, 2018, 19:29 Jeff Clarke <ku8e at ku8e.com> wrote:

> Wonder if the announcement for the site of the 2022 WRTC will be made at
> tonight's award dinner? I guess we'll find out later today?
> Here's an idea for a future WRTC. Hold it at a location near salt water.
> (Caribbean island or another near EU)  Each team would be provided with
> a 12 meter push-up mast, generator, tent, operating table/chairs and
> would pick a support team. It would be at the discretion of each team to
> decide what type of wire antennas they could put on this mast.  Wire
> antennas only - no aluminum beam antennas.  Anyone who has operated at a
> salt water location knows the magic that occurs using only simple
> antennas.  This formula would involve an additional strategy for each
> team. Plus having a support team would be cool. You could involve your
> friends who attend so they don't have to sit around the hotel or try to
> find a station where they can operate the contest.  The whole concept is
> much like auto racing teams ( like F1) who have a support team for their
> drivers. What type of antennas or operating strategy should I use?  Just
> like we all do when designing our own stations. This would also cut the
> expense the WRTC sponsor has to bear for antennas, coax and wire and
> other physical station expenses.
> Hosting a WRTC is a big commitment both financially and the required
> volunteer resources needed to pull it off. One must requirement is that
> it be hosted by a big club an in an area where propagation is good to
> North America and Europe.  It wouldn't be worth the time/expense to hold
> it at some far flung location. This means that the location would
> absolutely have to be in North America, Europe or maybe South America.
> Congratulations to the DARC and BCC on a very successful WRTC. The
> reports I've been following on social media have been glowing!
> BTW is there ANYONE attending WRTC in Germany who hasn't signed K9PG's
> WRTC t-shirt?  Knowing Paul for a long time I know he's loving all the
> attention over this.  It's Dayton and  the Thursday night Hooter parties
> on steroids!
> Jeff
> --
> *Jeff Clarke*
> Information Technology Professional
> Ellerslie, Georgia
> KU8E.com <http://www.ku8e.com/>
> My LinkedIn Profile <https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffrey-clarke-ga>
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