[CQ-Contest] NAQP RTTY practice sessions - Thursday night!

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 16:03:45 EDT 2018

Please join me at 0100Z July 20 - that's 9PM EDT and 6PM PDT Thursay night-
for a NAQP RTTY practice session.

We will meet up on 14080+, 7080+, and 3580+ to try out our NAQP RTTY macros
and exercise our ability to tune in the deedle-deedles.

Feel free to work dupes to keep things interesting. If you're normally S&P,
please use this as an opportunity to practice CQ'ing!

Please also feel free to stick around for the usual 0145Z NS RTTY session!

For those new to RTTY contesting, please see AA5AU's most excellent
tutorials on getting set up here: https://www.rttycontesting.com/

And I will see you all on the air for the real NAQP RTTY on Saturday! It's
gonna be GREAT!

Tim N3QE

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