[CQ-Contest] Fun looking at WRTC2018 logs

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at gmail.com
Tue Jul 31 20:48:55 EDT 2018

As K3ZJ kindly pointed out, the WRTC2018 competitors logs are available
online: http://www.wrtc2018.de/index.php/wettbewerb/finale-scores

It's neat to look at their operating patterns and see who worked them.

For example, 374 folks appear in all 63 of the WRTC2018 competitors logs.

27 of the WRTC2018 teams worked the other 62 WRTC2018 teams (not 63, they
cannot work themselves!)

It also is nice to see when the competitors included the full frequency to
the kHz (e.g. 14023 not just 14000) in their logs, and most of their logs
do include the frequency. It's easy to see that most of the competitors
operations was done while running, which certainly matched my experience
working them - of the 199 Q's I made with the competitors, only a handful
were them calling me.

At same time, the competitors must've also been doing some tuning around
S&P to pick up mults. I'm not sure I understand their S&P vs running mixes
and strategies. Listening to the recording that Y82V provided, I can hear
at least one of their stations tuning around a fair amount between run
QSO's, I guess listening for new mults and then using a second VFO or maybe
Alt-Q to quickly go back to the run frequency.

Looking at band usage is neat too. Of the top 3 competitors, all had hit at
least 4 bands in the first hour, almost entirely running.

Tim N3QE

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