[CQ-Contest] [DX-IS] RBN Announcement on FT8 Spotting

Hank Greeb n8xx at arrl.org
Wed Jun 13 09:25:26 EDT 2018

Again, we could and should resolve this issue by banning every mode for 
contesting except sp*rk Gap transmission and coherrer detectors.

NEVER include anything which is newer than 1910.

But, from what i've seen of FT8 andl most other K1JT modes, all that is 
needed is one spot saying "`XX meters is alive @ WX9XX" and the software 
will figure out who is where.  Besides, if the listing has only one 
significant digit on the presentation, it wouldn't do much good anyway.

72/73 de n8xx hg
QRP >99.44% of the time

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