[CQ-Contest] WRTC18 AF Seat

Jeff Clarke ku8e at ku8e.com
Wed Jun 13 19:26:30 EDT 2018

I  think those who are criticizing the WRTC selection process are 
missing the point that you needed to apply to the WRTC organizing 
committee to be considered as a TL.  Apparently most of the competitors 
in AF didn't bother do this. The rules also state that the TL for each 
region can pick anyone they want as their teammate.


This was posted on the WRTC web page on June 6th. 
http://wrtc2018.de/index.php/en/presse-2/newsflash . Based on this 
information the section of the rules below would apply:

If the TL resigns after May 31, 2018, the WRTC2018 Organizing Committee 
will exercise its discretion to determine the new Team in one of three 

Follow the process in 2) above, or

Designate the TM to be the new TL and allow him/her to choose a new TM. 
This only applies if the TM is from the same Selection Area as the TL, 
since we are committed to have a TL from each Selection Area, or

Replace the team with a Wild Card or Sponsored Team

In the rarer case that a TL resigns from a Selection Area in which there 
is no other qualified TL applicants, there are three possibilities, 
subject to WRTC2018 Organizing Committee discretion:

Designate the TM to be the new TL and allow him/her to choose a new TM. 
This only applies if the TM is from the same Selection Area as the TL, 
since we are committed to have a TL from each Selection Area, or

Reopen the TL application process for 7 days for that specific Selection 
Area and select the highest scoring valid applicant (who would then 
select a TM), or

Replace the team with a Wild Card or Sponsored Team

That would mean the AF team (of which DL1CW was a TM) is no longer 
considered to be the AF team. It's now a wildcard team. It's too bad 
there is no AF team but there didn't seem to be much interest in WRTC 
from AF to begin with. It's not really fair to choose someone who didn't 
make any effort to qualify just because they live in a certain region. 
Also, as some others mentioned  it also would be unfair to all the great 
operators (who applied) who didn't make it because of the intense 
competition in their region.

Also note selection process for WRTC is not like the Olympics. In the 
Olympics individual COUNTIES send teams. In WRTC it's broken down by 
regions in the world. The amount of contesting activity in a region 
determines how many teams that specific region gets.

Jeff KU8E

*Jeff Clarke*
Information Technology Professional
Ellerslie, Georgia

KU8E.com <http://www.ku8e.com/>

My LinkedIn Profile <https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffrey-clarke-ga>

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