[CQ-Contest] WRTC looking for a new team leader

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu Jun 14 09:47:39 EDT 2018

On 14/06/2018 02:21, Barry W2UP wrote:
> We need an internet-only WRTC. That's the only way to equalize 
> everything. It will be sponsored by EI5DI.

That may be tongue-in-cheek but, nevertheless, it misrepresents my 
position on the internet - which is "radio amateurs do it (communicate 
with one another) with RF. Everyone else needs the internet."

When W2UP or anyone else needs or uses the internet to communicate with 
other radio amateurs, what's happening is something other than amateur 
radio. Remote operators cannot have any contacts without, typically, 
using the internet to both communicate and control. And that's perfectly 
OK - good for them, they're having fun and learning something new, but 
that "something new" represents amateur hybrid communications.


On 13/06/2018 Ria, N2RJ wrote:

> Remote operation for contesting in  general is “ok.”

That's correct, but only when remote operators, and their 
hybrid-communications contacts, compete only with one another. Does 
anyone believe that remote hunting is ethical? Why then should remote 
contesting and award-chasing be any less unethical - unless the remote 
operators are competing only with one another?


On 14/06/2018 10:12, Jim Brown K9YC wrote:


> I'm a genuine old fart, first licensed in 1955. I try to learn 
> something new every day, and in the spirit of ham radio, try to share 
> what I've learned with others. I suggest that the bashers adopt these 
> objectives. 

I'm nearly as old, and I respectfully suggest that FT8, 
machine-to-machine, QSOs have nothing to do with the spirit of amateur 
radio. Explaining this is not "bashing", merely demonstrating that the 
emperor has no clothes.

Here's some automated FT8 operation - I see nothing in it to correspond 
to any sensible view of the "spirit of ham radio".

Here's an article by NT0Z that, I suggest, helps to put FT8 operation in 

Paul EI5DI

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