[CQ-Contest] Here's an idea...

DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL kr2q at optimum.net
Fri Mar 16 20:40:26 EDT 2018

I remember one year I got wild.  I used the name Throckmorton.  It 
almost always got a repeat request.
Some guys never did get it.

I remember calling W3XU, an old schoolmate from U Penn when he was at 
Wharton and I was at Penn
Vet school, at W3ABT and later N3KZ.  I called him very qrq and gave him 
the name.  He was the only
one who didn't skip a beat.  He came right back and said Thanks 
Throcky.  LOL

After the contest, some guys told me that it was too long to fit into 
their logging s/w.

Other guys, every now and then, will remind me of the time I was 
Sort of like when we used to have the DASH on 75m.  Lots of OT guys 
one my exchanges: 599 soup [signal report and what you had for dinner]. 
And I remember K1KI's cat's name.  heh heh heh

One year I used the name Zdo, which is the first 3 letters of my work 
email address. 
That got lots of repeat requests too.  Hey...contesting is fun, right! 

de Doug KR2Q

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