[CQ-Contest] Here's an idea...

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Sat Mar 17 10:44:51 EDT 2018

I have used Mike and Thor, Spock, and most recently Curly because the US 
won gold in Curling!  I probably used some others.  Thor seems to be the 
one many remember from years gone by though.  It will throw people off 
and you will get more repeats.  Curly was well accepted!


On 3/16/2018 6:40 PM, DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL wrote:
> I remember one year I got wild.  I used the name Throckmorton.  It 
> almost always got a repeat request.
> Some guys never did get it.
> I remember calling W3XU, an old schoolmate from U Penn when he was at 
> Wharton and I was at Penn
> Vet school, at W3ABT and later N3KZ.  I called him very qrq and gave 
> him the name.  He was the only
> one who didn't skip a beat.  He came right back and said Thanks 
> Throcky.  LOL
> After the contest, some guys told me that it was too long to fit into 
> their logging s/w.
> Other guys, every now and then, will remind me of the time I was 
> Throckmorton.
> Sort of like when we used to have the DASH on 75m.  Lots of OT guys 
> remember
> one my exchanges: 599 soup [signal report and what you had for dinner].
> And I remember K1KI's cat's name.  heh heh heh
> One year I used the name Zdo, which is the first 3 letters of my work 
> email address.
> That got lots of repeat requests too.  Hey...contesting is fun, right!
> de Doug KR2Q
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