[CQ-Contest] ICOM 7610 & C31XR

Terry Zivney n4tz at arrl.net
Wed Mar 21 11:11:42 EDT 2018

The C31XR should not be a problem
However, the ICOM 7610 may be.
I have used TenTec radios and more recently an FTDX5000MPwith closely spaced monobanders (interleaved 10 & 15, for example)with no problems just with stubs on low power and just Dunestar600s with high power.
BUT, this past weekend at N1UR for RDXC. Ed had monobanders withadjacent bands on separate towers. We had Dunestar 600s band passfilters. He had no problem with his FT1000Mk5 Field but I hadproblems with the new Icom 7610.  In particular, I needed thepreamp on 15 meters. But, that brought the overload light on.When the ICOM 7610 goes into overload, things fall apart prettyfast.  Also, you cannot use the DIGI-SEL to add some badly neededextra front-end selectivity when you want to use the preamps.
BTW, the 7610 (and undoubtedly other radios with the samearchitecture) has a new type of second radio problem not foundin traditional superhet radios. When listening on 3505 you willhear the second radio on 7010.  The 1/2 harmonic!  Again, Dunestarsin line.  This is apparently due to the decimation process of theSDR.
Good luck.
Terry N4TZ

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