[CQ-Contest] Here's an idea...

John Geiger af5cc2 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 14:43:49 EDT 2018

I am usually the opposite. I will do CW SS but not SSB SS.  After the
Illinois QSO party, CQWW SSB, and CW SS in consecutive weekends, I usually
take off the next 2 weekends to get ready for the CQWW on CW and the 10
meter contest.  Of course I am much more of a CW than phone operator, and
100 watts to small antennas usually does much better in CW than in SSB

Swapping the order of Sweepstakes is an interesting idea, but will probably
not happen as people get use to each one being a certain weekend.

73 John AF5CC

On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 11:36 AM, Bill via CQ-Contest <
cq-contest at contesting.com> wrote:

> As mentioned CW SS falls on a bad weekend, in between the 2 CQWW's.
> Also, on the first weekend of November the southern 1/3 of the country
> still
> has generally nice weather. And many hams still get up to go to work on
> Monday.
> That has done me in the last few years. A fun time is had Saturday evening,
> but the low rates on Sunday, the sunshine and 80 F breeze coming through
> the
> open window, the thought of going to work at 0600 on Monday. The butt gets
> to
> squirming in the seat and before you know it the the radio gets turned off
> and
> N1MM is exited. And then my wife says "Good, you're done, let's go for a
> bike ride"
> The CWSS isn't dead yet, it looks like it still takes a 24 hour effort to
> get
> in one of the Top Ten boxes. When it only takes a 12 hour effort to get
> there,
> changes will be made.
> 73, Bill KO7SS
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