[CQ-Contest] Contesting 10 years from now (2007)

Stein-Roar Brobakken post at lb3re.com
Mon Mar 26 23:53:16 EDT 2018


Youngsters on the air YOTA is big in IARU R1, and now we started a Youth Program in The Philippines «IARU R3». Http://www.4f0ur.xyz

So there is lot of project to support, the youths are there, but need help and events to be invited to!!

If we do the right things, it will grow and contesting too 👍

Stein-Roar Brobakken

> 26. mar. 2018 kl. 23:34 skrev Sterling Coffey <kawfey at gmail.com>:
> Younger generation chiming in with...contests are going to get a lot less
> active :(
> There is a huge contingent of young ops in Region 1 (mostly thanks to YOTA)
> but on the other sides of the world, youth contesters are a little less
> organized. That has hopefully changed with the creation of Young Amateurs
> Radio Club <https://yarc.world/>, the Collegiate Initiative
> <http://www.facebook.com/groups/ARRLCARI>, and some push to bring a
> YOTA-like organization to IARU regions 2 and 3.
> All of that pales in comparison to the age of current contesters. I posit
> it's slightly lower than the average, but Sweepstakes reports don't lie
> (although club calls obscure the actual operator's license year, which for
> W0EEE was 1923 whilst everyone who operated was licensed for less than 5
> years.
> Here's my thoughts for ham radio contesting in 10 years:
>   1. Drops in total logs submitted will invoke new categories for youth
>   (and not just Rookie) will spring up, just like the college sub-competition
>   during NAQP and Sweepstakes.
>   2. New AI category
>   3. New "Knobs" category
>   4. Technicians will get active contesting on their new bands, to the
>   chagrin of many established operators.
>   5. SSB & CW will be a mainstay but digi contests will begin to outshine
>   "classic" modes
>   6. WSJT will flesh out the DXpedition mode into a fully fledged contest
>   mode, which will allow multiple QSOs per contact
>   7. Remotes will become ubiquitous and I suspect it'll be put into it's
>   own category.
>   8. More livestreaming. I'd love to see a Ham Radio category on Twitch.tv!
>   9. contest score reporting will be adopted by a majority; no need to
>   upload logs as it's being uploaded in realtime on a qso-by-qso basis
>   10. Additionally, logs are instantaneously and irrefutably cross-checked
>   for authenticity using signed blockchain technology on the ethereum (or
>   similar) network (HamRadioCoin is a thing already!
>   <https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/hamradiocoin/>)
>   11. Bigdata/Neural networking intertwined with real time conditions will

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