[CQ-Contest] WPX rules and portable locators

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Wed Mar 28 21:50:02 EDT 2018

The rules are pretty clear and using KP4???/KT6 is perfectly fine.  I
believe I could use WP2AA/KK4 if I was my NC home last weekend. I recall
having a KH6???/7 call me. I am guessing that he meant portable W7 and not
KH7 but we'll let the WPX committee handle this.

John PJ4R (KK9A,op)

Ria, N2RJ sent:

There was one op, a KP4 signing his call/KT6.

>From what I understand you either sign /6 or /W6. The KT6 counted as a
multiplier in WPX but I am wondering if it is valid or if it will be

What are your thoughts?

Ria, N2RJ

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