[CQ-Contest] Wrong-QTH call signs + SS CW nostalgia

Art Boyars artboyars at gmail.com
Fri Nov 9 11:37:42 EST 2018

Lots of talk here about people using calls that do not indicate their
correct location, particularly indicating the wrong multiplier.

I'll add to the list of offenders: KZ5D.  Every time a work him, I expect
that I have bagged the Canal Zone mult.

Just kidding, of course.

Looking at my old logs, I see that in SS CW 1968 at W3AZD I claimed 617x74,
missing only CZ.

In 1973 K3OAE operated at the station of of N6XI/K3QDD's father, K3QDC I
claimed 728x74, missing only MAR.  The CZ mult was KZ5BB.

In that 1973 log the NEB mult (#69) has an added a note: "Honest!!"  Must
have been a foreshadowing of the 2010's.  Fourteen minutes and eight QSOs
later I got YUK (no note in the log).  Four QSOs after that was the
singular SF(O), W6BIP, then four QSOs later was SJ(V).  Mult #73 was AK,
and my last mult was WM(A), which was a bit rare back then.

Lot of familiar calls in that 1973 log: W3LPL, K3GJD, K3EST, WB2RKK, K0LUZ,
VE4GV, and on and on.

73, Art K3KU

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