[CQ-Contest] Announcing the 22ed Edition of The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge

Lew Sayre w7ew at arrl.net
Thu Nov 22 00:14:22 EST 2018

Greetings TopBand Tenants, Renters and Occasional Campers,
     The Boring Amateur Radio Club wants you to know that you should
reserve December 29 and 30 so that you may participate in the most unique
160M contest available, namely  The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge. Yes,
we understand this is between Christmas and New Years, but 160M propagation
is what it is. Nothing like contesting to recharge the soul to better
navigate the Holidays!  Please read the unique rules regarding The Stew at
http://www.kkn.net/stew/         You don't need to send a signal report
plus your score is determined, among other things, by how far away each
contact is. Imagine-...a DX contest that allows further away DX contacts to
count more than closer DX contacts.
      Another feature of The Stew Perry DX Challenge is that the contesters
who participate decide what heroic feats of 160M radio magic should be
rewarded by beautiful plaques.
You can join the below listed Radio Stalwarts also by suggesting an
appropriate category you'd like to see honored and remitting $65 to the
club for each plaque. Just email me and The Boring Amateur Radio Club will
make the plaque happen.

KL7RA         Top # QSOs, S/O
EI2CN          W/K/N/VE/XE station with most QSOs with EI/British Isles
N9TF            Top Score QRP, from RF deprived Grids EN00 through EN79
N9TF            Top # Grids NA,S/O,QRP non-resonant antenna <40' above
N9TF             Top Score USA,S/O,L/P-multi trap vertical, non-resonant on
                   no matching device for 160 on or at antenna, tuner in
shack OK.
VK6VZ       A Flying Doctors of VK Baseball cap for Top Score- Northern
             Station working Southern Hemisphere Stations.

      An important reminder to all radio combatants is that when you submit
your log
you should prominently mention in your comments what plaques you are
for. We here at The Boring Amateur Radio Club are experts in turning dits
and dahs and peculiar static into numbers and letters but we can not read
your mind about what plaque you would like to be considered for...so please
be quite explicit in your plaque pursuits.
     This is a CW (Morse Code) contest. If you are shakey or slow or both
then start now
to practice The Code. If you are totally bewildered by a string of jabbery
sounds simply send QRS and usually the courteous contesters of TopBand will
slow their speed down
so that you may understand and  write down the exchange as seen by your
sweat filled eyes. If your ears are also filled with sweat impairing your
hearing, then perhaps a bit more practice may be in order.
      So get all your chores done early so that you may come out and play
in the 2018 Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge. We had around 1000 logs for
last year's contest so we would like to have yours also for this year.
     The final listing, scores and write-up for the 2017 Stew will be
appearing very soon on our web site cited above. The 2017 plaques are being
proofed currently.
       73 and I remain,
    Lew   w7ew  Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Incitement
  w7ew at arrl.net

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