[CQ-Contest] New Team Competition Feature for ARRL Sweepstakes, BERU, NAQP

Victor Androsov victor.androsov at gmail.com
Thu Oct 25 13:52:20 EDT 2018

We are pleased to announce a new option for the Contest Online Scoreboard –
Team Competition. The team management page allows anyone to create and
manage a team! Once a team is created, scoreboard users can select a team
and have their score contribute to the team total.

We hope this new feature provides a way for local clubs to create internal
competitions that increase the operating time and scores of their members.
The upcoming ARRL Sweepstakes contests offer a great opportunity to try
your own local team competition.

Please read
https://contestonlinescore.com/blog/new-option-team-management-page/  for




The https://contestonlinescore.com team

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