[CQ-Contest] WW Digi Log Submittal Feedback

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Sat Aug 10 20:31:36 EDT 2019

				Thanks to everyone that submitted a practice
log and let us know what didn't work.  Here is a summary:

				ADIF Converter
1.	Not accepting the official ADIF standard for the FT4 mode:
<MODE:4>MFSK <SUBMODE:3>FT4.  It should also still accept <MODE:3>FT4
because some software uses that.

				Log Check
1.	The date check is still set for the contest period so it rejects all
the practice QSOs.
2.	The second page (header info) is blank even though most of the data
is in the header of the Cabrillo log file.

1.	Once the date requirement for Log Check is temporarily removed, the
same thing will need to be done with the robot.

				We appreciate your patience while we address
these issues.  We'll provide an update prior to next Friday's practices.

				Ed W0YK

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