[CQ-Contest] Subject: Re: ARRL DX CW Contest in QST

WW3S ww3s at zoominternet.net
Tue Aug 27 19:41:20 EDT 2019

You can always search the scores database, to compare your score to others in your section/division, etc.....BUT, that database is not on the new contest landing page...

Sent from my iPad

> On Aug 27, 2019, at 5:12 PM, Bill Mader <billamader at gmail.com> wrote:
> However I know there used to be expanded results articles online. Do those
> still exist? It used to be nice as it also had regional breakdowns -
> regional competition is good for those who aren't in Maine or otherwise
> operating from the East Coast.
> Yes, there are expanded results articles on-line for ARRL Contests at:
> http://www.arrl.org/contest-results-articles.  One of the best examples is
> the November Sweepstakes SSB Contest articles by Bruce, AA5B, and Scott,
> K5TA, of Albuquerque NM.  They are amazing articles with great analysis
> that are very useful in the following year's contest preparation.
> Bruce and Scott obviously devote many hours to this effort each year and
> those of us who care about that contest owe them a lot for their efforts!
> Frank makes a good point that the QST articles are a good place to attract
> new blood for contesting.  They are like a fishing lure though.  It takes
> follow-up from active contesters to help novice contesters enjoy the
> experience and want to return to the streams (contests).
> With limited editorial pages available, using them wisely is a key element
> of QST's management.  There is no comparison between the ARRL DX CW Contest
> participation and Field Day regarding the number of participants.  The
> latter is a great opportunity to move non-contesters in our direction, even
> though it's just an operating event--right.
> 73, Bill Mader, K8TE
> W6H NM Coordinator, Route 66 On-the-Air 7-15 Sep 2019
> ARRL New Mexico Section Manager
> *ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio**™*
> Duke City Hamfest BoD www.dukecityhamfest.org 20-22 Sep 2019
> President, Albuquerque DX Association
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