[CQ-Contest] Moral outrage

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Fri Jan 18 11:56:16 EST 2019

>> Jeff KU8E wrote:
>> The top scorers in the recent ARRL RTTY Roundup made over 2000 
>> QSO's and had zero FT8 contacts.

For another perspective, read the P49X 3830 soapbox for ARRL RTTY Roundup.



-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
Jeff Clarke
Sent: 17 January, 2019 13:52
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Moral outrage

Anything you can't hear with your human ears isn't real radio. At least 
with digital modes such as RTTY you can hear something. In many FT8 
contacts the signal might be as much as 20db below the noise. I'm not 
against FT8. In fact I worked my last mainland state, South Carolina, on 
6 meters using FT8. But it isn't a contesting mode since it takes a 
minute or more to make a QSO. In any digital contest why would you even 
go to FT8 when there seems to be plenty of people to work using regular 

It's also puzzling to me that a contest such as Winter Field Day is 
getting so much attention. I never realized it was such a major contest 
that someone would be gripping about the rules on the contest reflector. 
I would suggest those of you who think FT8 is the next greatest thing in 
contesting to just go and sponsor a FT8 only contest. It's clear to me 
that those who are sponsoring contests might agree with what I'm saying 
and that's why they aren't adding FT8 to their contest.


On 1/17/2019 11:10 AM, Ria Jairam wrote:
> There’s really no comparison.
> There is **NO** accusation whatsoever that SSTV is “not real radio” or
“computers talking to computers” or “destroying ham radio.”
> ALL of these claims have been leveled against FT8, rather unfairly I must
> Ria
> N2RJ
>> On Jan 17, 2019, at 11:06 AM, Radio K0HB <kzerohb at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I intend to boycott the California QSO Party.
>> SSTV cannot participate.
>> Do you think they’ll miss me?
>> 73, de Hans, K0HB
>> -- 
>> 73, de Hans, K0HB
>> --
>> "Just a boy and his radio"™
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*Jeff Clarke*
Information Technology Professional
Ellerslie, Georgia

KU8E.com <http://www.ku8e.com/>

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