[CQ-Contest] CQ 160 Contest

Andy Blank andyn2nt at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 13:44:44 EST 2019

Hi Everyone.

It's -10 deg F Wind Chill in NJ today (-23deg C) and that can mean only one
The CQ 160 CW Contest is here!

There are a few plaques that now need sponsorship. Please look at the list:
If you wish to sponsor any of the open ones, or have another category in
mind please contact me directly.

Please visit our web site at CQ160.com and check the latest rules.

We expect all the rules to be obeyed as usual, and please spread out as
much as possible.
We realize there will be some FT8 activity around 1840.
I am hoping most of them will plug in their CW key and work stations the
old fashioned way.

Remember you must obey the ITU Region rules regarding operational
If you are found to operate outside these limits, it may be grounds for DQ.
Also, we will be doing a lot of RBN analysis to find power violations. We
realize this is not a true measurement, but we can find outliers. Please
observe the power limits set in the rules.

Also pay close attention to the remote RX rules, we will be alerted to any
use of remote SDR etc using web based systems.
*For Single Op Assisted only *You are allowed one and only one remote RX
within 100KM.

We expect good conditions, no storms and plenty of DX.
CU on Topband!

73, Andy N2NT
Director CQ160 Contest

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